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Vina Gonzales Bastias

José’s family planted their 4-hectare vineyard in the early 1800’s, and they have been cultivating it ever since. Yes, their vines are 200 years old..

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Located four hours from Santiago, González Bastías is a village and a still operating train station of the last “Ramal” train of South America. It is also the name of this ancient vineyard, located in the coastal dry land of Maule in center area of Chile, only 40km from the Pacific Ocean. The name of this town was changed from Infiernillo to González Bastías in 1955 in honor of the great local poet and uncle of José Luis Gómez Bastías, fifth generation of vintners, who, from a very young age began working on these same lands and today, together with his wife, Enologist Daniela Lorenzo, whose ancestors also come from a few stations down the river, are dedicated today to putting value to the ancient tradition of their ancestors.

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The property and vineyard are accessed by crossing the Maule River by canoe from the local train station between Talca and Constitucion. José’s family planted their 4-hectare vineyard in the early 1800’s, and they have been cultivating it ever since. Yes, their vines are 200 years old. 4 hectares of vines of mainly aromatic whites like moscatel, Torontel and the ever-present light red País , originally from the Canary Islands, called the Mission grape in North America, the Bastias family have essentially just never changed the way things were done and so have been natural for five generations.

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José farms and vinifies biodynamically and without the use of machines. The vineyard is dry farmed. All the fruit is pressed by hand over bamboo zarandas into open top cement vats. The wines are then aged in either barrels or amphora. These wines are all made without corrections and without the addition of sulfur. Their País wines from their sandy, gravely soil are some of the most unique expressions in Chile and are remnants of Chilean ancestry, which is in danger of extinction. They are natural, honest wines.

$49.00 SGD